Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Pelham Rec Soccer emphasizes:

  • » Positive coaching
  • » Open registration
  • » Balanced teams
  • » Good sportsmanship
  • » Everyone plays
  • » Supportive parents

Travel Soccer

Pelham Travel Soccer

Game Information


Grade Game Time Players on Field Ball Size
1 & 2 40 mins 6 #3
3 & 4 50 mins 8 #4
5 to 7 60 mins 9 #4

  • » Games must start on time. Late starting games may be shortened.
  • » Whistle stops at end of 1st and 3rd quarter; halftime break of 5 minutes.
  • » Substitutions are permitted only at quarter end and half-time and during the fourth quarter.
  • » All players must play at least two full quarters.

Attire and Equipment

  • » Uniforms will be distributed at the first practice (players may keep the uniforms).
  • » All players must wear soccer cleats, shin guards and soccer socks to all practices, games and clinics.
  • » Baseball shoes or "all sports" shoes are not permitted and can be dangerous when used for soccer. 
  • » Sneakers are permitted for kindergartners and Pre-K.
  • » Soccer socks should cover shin guards.
  • » Jewelry, earrings, watches, necklaces, bracelets will not be permitted. NO exceptions for newly-pierced ears.
  • » Referees will conduct a pre-game check, strictly enforcing these rules.
  • » Each child should bring a proper sized soccer ball to each practice. See above for ball sizes. Pre-K and Kindergarten use size #3 balls.
  • » Each child should bring a water bottle to every game AND practice.

Parents' Responsibilities

» This means all the kids - not just yours! 
» Provide positive support and encouragement.
» Revel in their accomplishments. 
» Offer a shoulder, a hug or kiss when everything doesn't go perfectly. 
» Forget constructive criticism -- kids take it too seriously.
» Applaud good plays by kids on the other team (who, after all, are your neighbors).

» Coaching is hard work and the coaches feel responsible for the kids having fun. Help out by showing up on time for practices and games.
» Leave sideline coaching to the coach. Players hate to hear instructions from more than one person anyway. 
» Coaches plan game line-ups ahead of time. Please notify the coach in advance (e.g., Friday night) if your child will miss a practice or game.
» Coaches can always use extra help. It’s not too late to volunteer as an assistant coach!

» Refereeing is also hard work, and referees (like coaches and players and parents) can make mistakes. Live with the mistakes; the game is about having fun! 
» Recognize that you may not know or understand all the rules (e.g., offside, rough play, injury time-out, etc.).
» Interfering or arguing with a referee can result in a forfeit and/or ejection from the field.